WLR Reel

Regular price $149.00

We designed this reel to help fill the gap in the industry for a small stream, light weight reel that performs well in all situations.  The WLR reel is fully machined with a solid drag system to stop those bigger fish you tangle with on the smaller streams on occasion. 

Luke 19:2-3 “A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd.”

3.7 oz

2.6” in diameter  

50 yards of backing with a 90 foot line

80 yards of backing with a 50 foot line

Backed by Risen Fly Fishing’s lifetime warranty!

WLR Reel
WLR Reel
WLR Reel
WLR Reel
WLR Reel